Monday, April 20, 2020

Tialey Checks In

It was lovely to hear from Tialey this morning and get a glimpse of what she's been up to at home.

Everyone is having a busy time at home during our lockdown!

Quick update:  Tialey and her bubble is doing well and coping. We've been busy doing all sorts baking, biking, walking. Helping in the kitchen around the house as well as in the garden. We've also been making cards for our elderly neighbour having gone and done 2 operations within a week. Our cards make her feel better and not so sore. Tialey is missing everyone in Seaview hub but she's enjoying time spent in her bubble.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to hear from you Tialey. I love how you are making cards for your neighbour, what a lovely, kind thing to do. Sounds like you are keeping busy in your bubble. From Kelly



 Last week Sam started the children off with our next growing experiment.  They used a sprouting jar and got some quick results.   Today we ...